Law & Chaos

I asked about Law and Chaos and the priest answered:

By its nature, there can be no “god” of chaos, for a god implies some degree of order and chaos is the absence of order. Most who claim to serve chaos are really looking for a way to make selfish behavior look noble or as an attempt to mask their true nature. Law, however, presents a different problem.

Valos is the name we give to the Power whose domain is law. “Val” is the ancient word for “law” and the suffix “-os” provides the emphasis to imply he is “The Law”. Some consider him an Älté, but we do not make the distinction for do not know whether he is or not. The story of the Pilgrims may provide some enlightenment.

In the mists to the North of Thron, Valos sits on his crystal throne and stares coldly at those who dare to come into his presence. The pale skinned, white haired, ice eyed Valons who populate his lands live well ordered lives and rarely leave his domain—and the few that do often quickly return when faced with the chaos of most human realms.

Into this domain traveled a band of adventurers seeking a judgement from Valos. Their first night in the mists, they discovered people approaching their camp, and knowing the prevalence of monsters in the mists, took up their arms and faced the approaching strangers. In the confusion of the mists, each found themselves confronting a single opponent, and each delt with their opponent according to their nature. When they returned to their camp, they all were reluctant to talk of their encounters.

They travelled on through the Valon lands to the Halls of Valos and made their demands and requests of Valos. Valos listened and then looked to his left, at a vacant second throne made of wood with carvings that seemed to change as the travelers became aware of it. Valos sighed and then told the travelers he would reveal his determinations as they left his domain.

When they made camp near where they had made their first camp in the mists, they became aware of people approaching their camp and went to meet them. As before the mists separated them and each met a single opponent and were delt with as they had delt with the opponents during their first encounter. The last thing they saw during these encounters was the face of the opponent was their own from the first encounter and those who killed, died and those who gave mercy or sought peace, survived as each was judged by the law of their own hands.

In the mists to the North of Thron, Valos sits on his crystal throne, searching for the compassion of Mercy in the hearts of mortals.


Copyright © 2021 by Robert W. Dills